• 概述
著名导演伯利·兰内尔执导的新片《不传六耳》将在2021上映,由米歇尔·费尔利,伯利·兰内尔,卡尔·马卡宁奇等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《不传六耳》是一部剧情片。琥珀影院高清版在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   We rely on our memories to tell us the story of who we are. If those memories vanish, whose stories will take their place? This is the quandary faced by Phil (writer-director Bouli Lanners), a middle-aged Belgian farmhand working on a remote Scottish island who, following a stroke, suffers amnesia. Phil’s journey to recovering his memory — and the love story he’s told along the way — lies at the heart of this tender, gorgeous film. Phil’s boss’s daughter, Millie (_Game of Thrones_’ Michelle Fairley), helps him acclimate back to his life, reminding him of his origins, his likes and dislikes… and the fact that he and Millie were secret lovers. Though the pair are reluctant to continue their relationship while Phil remains ill, they cannot deny their chemistry. With the gradual return of Phil’s memories, the stage is set for reignited romance. There’s just one hitch: did that romance ever exist in the first place? Phil and Millie’s encounters play out as a dialogue about identity, desire, and projection. In addition to his cognitive impairment, Phil’s role in the community as a foreigner heightens his vulnerability while also endowing him with a directness that tends to catch locals off guard. Millie, by contrast, is bashful, and the two complement each other as they negotiate their shared past and uncertain present. Nobody Has to Know is a deeply endearing film that asks us to consider who we are and what we want regardless of the stories we tell — or are told.

  We rely on our memories to tell us the story of who we are. If those memories vanish whose stories will take their place? This is the quandary faced by Phil (writer-director Bouli Lanners) a middle-aged Belgian farmhand working on a remote Scottish island who following a stroke suffers amnesia. Phil’s journey to recovering his memory — and the love story he’s told along the...

像发生于Julian Barnes书页间的一个小故事,也是对记忆与情感联系的另种挖掘;沉静的,灰色的,还是内敛的。只可惜在抛出鲜明的矛盾设计之后,叙事上的累赘与角色间附着的难题变得臃肿;两名演员的正向演绎也让它积重难返。

#TIFF 2021# CONTEMPORARY WORLD CINEMA。世界首映。导演给自己量身定做的戏……八点档电视剧的剧情,看起来像是个为了申请合拍而编出来的故事……摄影蛮不错,抓住了英国岛屿上的荒凉冷酷风貌。也,勉强及格。

