• 概述
《双面女间谍 第二季》剧情介绍
著名导演J·J·艾布拉姆斯,肯·奥林执导的新片《双面女间谍 第二季》将在2002上映,由詹妮弗·加纳,朗·瑞弗金,迈克尔·瓦尔坦,布莱德利·库珀,凯文·韦斯曼等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《双面女间谍 第二季》是一部欧美剧。琥珀影院提供连载至22集在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。 双面女间谍 第二季


  Sydney finds herself face-to-face with her long-lost mother, Irina Derevko, whose intentions for her daughter are made chillingly clear. However, Sydney manages to escape and rejoin Jack and Will in their escape from Taiwan. After arriving back in Los Angeles, Sydney continues her search for Vaughn, not knowing if he is dead or alive after being swept away by a wall of water in Taipei. Will's life is forever changed when he learns the truth about SD-6 and Sydney's life as a double agent. Also, Dixon must decide whether or not to inform Sloane of Sydney's suspicious activities. But Jack intervenes and covers for Sydney who later finds Vaughn who helps her try to track down her mother Irina who's searing for a Rimbaldi artifact called 'the Bible.'