• 概述
著名导演奥黛丽·埃斯特鲁戈执导的新片《至高无上》将在2021上映,由西奥·克里斯廷,桑德尔·丰泰克,菲利克斯·勒费弗尔,César Chouraqui,François Neycken,Vivi Vivarelli,Chloé Lecerf,Nathanaël Beausivoir,Malcom Veludo,Rayane Badi,Akeem Freitas,Zakaria El Baialy,Matéo Krikorian,Muhiddin Abdiaziz,Lorenzo Da Silva Dasse,雨果·狄龙等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《至高无上》是一部综艺。琥珀影院完结在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   The story kicks off in France in the 1990s. Increasingly violent confrontations between the police and the projects rage on, but some choose hip hop as a means to express rebellion. Two youngsters from Seine-Saint-Denis, Didier Morville and Bruno Lopez, swiftly become (under their artistic names JoeyStarr and Kool Shen) the spokespeople for an entire generation. This heralds the birth of rap, the birth of a band: Suprême NTM.